Workshop and Seminars


An EBS Workshop is a working sessions that can be educational in nature. Groups of participants meet over a short period of time to concentrate on a specific area for discussion. The purpose in conducting a workshop can vary; examples of workshops include problem-solving, training and team building.

EBS workshop is hands-on. Participants are working, thinking, creating and engaging in a certain amount of activity with a plethora of interaction, attendees are interactively generating something productive and developing strategies.


An EBS Seminar includes participant involvement and is limited to individual thinking, writing and processing information. In a seminar participant sit silent, paying attention to the presentation. The mood at a seminar is serious and focused.

A seminar is conducted for the purpose of educating the attendees on a particular topic. Seminars maybe classified as traditional training sessions with the greater amount of time being spent on presenting material, the end of an EBS presentation is generally followed by a question and answer session.

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